Friday, February 24, 2017

God Whispers

            When we were getting ready to move into the first home that we bought, I was packing up a drawer of things.  And in the bottom of the drawer, I found a gold and gemstone ring that I owned.  I never wore it anymore because I’m not a jewelry kind of person.  (Crazy, but true.)  But this ring was too nice to just get rid of it. 
            In the other room was a teen girl who came to help watch the kids as I packed.  And I heard this tiny little whisper that said, “Give her the ring.” 

            Give her the ring, Lord?  Is this message from You?  I put the ring on my finger and noticed how pretty it looked.  Suddenly, it seemed to sparkle more, and it looked so much more elegant on my hand than ever before.  Maybe I do want it, after all?  I thought.
            “Give her the ring.”
            There it was again.  That whisper.  But, Lord, it’s an awfully valuable gift to just hand off to someone, especially someone so young.  What would her parents think?  Would they think it was improper to give a ring like this to their girl in such a casual manner?
            “Give her the ring.”

            I still had the ring on my hand when I accidentally bumped it up against the counter.  And it reminded me of how much I really do dislike having jewelry on.  There was really no reason to hang onto it, other than sheer covetousness.  And, obviously, God wanted her to have it.
            I went into the other room and awkwardly asked her if she would like a ring that I didn’t use anymore.  She was a little surprised, but gladly accepted it.  When I walked away, I turned around in time to see her admiring it on her hand.  And I knew that I did the right thing.                                
            But a little later that evening, I understood more about why it was so important to God that I gave her this ring.  She told me that she and her parents were trying to get her a “purity ring,” a ring to help encourage her to stay pure until marriage.  She had wanted something nice, but they did not have the extra money for such a ring.  And there were three different styles that she had her eyes on . . . one of them being just like the one I gave her. 
            When I heard that, I really saw the importance of listening to and obeying God’s whispers, even if they seem outrageous or insignificant to us at the time.  You see, I had no idea what significance there was behind such a little command, being asked to give away something that I didn’t want anymore. 

            But God did. 

            He knew a girl that wanted a ring for a good reason - a ring that she couldn’t afford.  And He knew a woman who had that exact ring and didn’t want it anymore.  And at the right time (of all the things that I could have been packing up, it happened to be that drawer), He put things in place.  And then He whispered . . . “Give her the ring.” 

            Oh, how many times He whispers to us! 
            But how many times do we hear and obey?  

            [After I heard what the ring meant to her, I polished it up a little more and put it into a nice box to present it to her properly.  And I also talked to her parents later to make sure that I did not offend them by giving such a valuable gift to her.  They were okay with it.] 

Have you ever heard God’s whisper?  What did He say?  What did you do?