Monday, May 15, 2017

When God Leaves

“God left him to test him and to know everything that was in his heart.”  (2 Chron. 32:31)

God’s silence – His “absence” - has a way of bringing out what’s really in our hearts … pride, love of comfort or control or pleasure or possessions, idols, fears, doubts, greed, envy, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, hopelessness, etc. 

When He is silent or when it feels like He’s abandoned you, don’t despair.  He’s using that time to test you, to see what’s really in your heart and what you will do when you think He’s not really there. 

His silence forces us to decide if we will continue in faithful obedience or if we will rebel and do our own thing, if we will cling to Him or if we will despair and turn away, if we have faith because we need Him or if we have faith because we want the things He might give us. 

God doesn't "leave" us because He doesn't care.  He "leaves" us because His silence - His "absence" - is one of the biggest testers and refiners of our faith!  It shows us and Him who we really are and where we have placed our faith and what we really want!